Magic Wedding Moment : Nervous Ring Bearer

Inspiration, Wedding Details, Wedding Ideas, Wedding Pictures, Wedding PlanningWedding Creativo Photography

The little ones that carry rings and flower baskets at weddings are usually pretty aware big importance of the wedding day, and kids always create spontaneous and unique magic moments.  To help them feel more comfortable and confident, it is nice to have a parent come a little early with them to the ceremony so they can "practice" their job before walking down the aisle in front of all those people!  Sometimes this does not work at all when kids are extremely terrified, but frequently kids fare better with just getting an opportunity to feel more familiar in uncharted territory.  Even a brief run up and down the aisle can be a big help to settle their nervousness. This little guy took his job as ring bearer pretty seriously and is shown here eagerly awaiting his cue to present the all important wedding rings. So adorable!

Wedding Creativo Photography